Our Place

We would like to tell you a little about ourselves and the work we do. Here are some of the things that we value.

In.  —  Fb.  — Email.

Our Vision

To make beautiful and functional architecture available to everyone.

Our Approach

We don’t begin with preconceived ideas or a glossy image, but instead respond creatively to the unique opportunities of your brief and your site.

We Listen

Understanding who you are and what is important to you is a priority for us.

A Tai­lored Service

One size does not fit all. We tailor our services to suit your requirements; we can be as hands-on or as hands-off as you need. You decide.


We value clear, concise & honest communication, knowing it is fundamental to a successful project.

Spaces for people

When designing we consider sun and view, wind and shelter, connection and privacy. The result is comfortable spaces for people to inhabit.

Envi­ron­men­tally Sus­tain­able Design

Sustainability is at the core of every project we do. It is something we are passionate about and our team of experts can advise you on what is best for your project.

Complex Sites

We love a challenge. Many of our projects incorporate creative and cost effective solutions that maximise the opportunities for difficult sites.

Not just draw­ings; it’s a process

Building is a process. Brief, design, drawings, project management; we can guide you through from beginning to end.

We are aware that the build process can seem overwhelming for some people. Our systems have been designed to ensure that the process is understandable and enjoyable.

To learn more about us, and what we can do for you,
get in touch!


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