Contact Us

You don’t need to know all the answers before we start.

We’d love to meet you and discuss your project. Our first meeting is free and with no obligation.

So why not give us a call?

In.  —  Fb.  — Email.

[email protected]

Wellington office
(04) 387 9651
24 George Bolt St
Lyall Bay, Wellington, New Zealand
Map to office

Taranaki office
(06) 757 8871
15 Young Street
New Plymouth, New Zealand

Aotea/Great Barrier Island office 
(06) 757 8871

Still Unsure?

Many of our clients have not used an architect before and the idea of embarking on a project can be quite daunting. You may not even know what it is you want.

Drop us a line, we are here to help.

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